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Management Systems Policy

Kuzeyboru contributes to the economy of our country by producing plastic pipes and fittings that comply with national and international standards.As Kuzeyboru, our goal is to meet our needs and expectations, to produce quality and reliable products, to grow by increasing our productivity together with our employees, to fulfill our responsibilities towards the society, the environment and our employees, and to improve our service quality.The principles of our Management Systems Policy are given below.

Occupational Health and Safety (TS ISO 45001)

To realize “Accident-free” production by identifying risks and managing them systematically,To raise awareness, education and continuous development of all our employees and to expand the culture of sustainable security,To ensure safe and healthy working conditions in order to achieve our goals and programs in occupational health and safety,Eliminating the dangers by minimizing all other risks along with occupational disease risks and ensuring risk assessments

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Environment (TS EN ISO 14001)

We know that natural resources depend on the sustainability of life so that life can continue,Using environmentalist technologies in production and ongoing process with the environment and future criteria,Using our natural resources effectively and productively and protecting biodiversity,To inform and raise awareness of our stakeholders, including our employees, customers, suppliers, society and the state, by communicating openly about the perspective, practices and results of Kuzeyboru on the environment.

Quality (TS EN ISO 9001)

To improve our technology, human resources and suppliers continuously and to make customer satisfaction oriented work a principle,To produce our product quality to the highest level and to ensure its continuity,To increase our competitiveness by constantly making efficiency and cost oriented projects and improvements in all our processes,To benefit from the talents and creativity of our employees and to enable training and other activities to increase their productivity,To provide a safe and healthy working environment with love and respect.

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Energy(TS EN ISO 50001)

To apply technological innovations that increase energy efficiency,Minimizing energy losses with systematic measurement and monitoring,To continuously improve our energy performance, to improve all our processes to combat climate change with an innovative solution understanding.

Information Security (ISO 27001)

our employees; It is aware of the fact that information is an institutional value. It ensures the security of shared corporate information, and fulfills the requirements of information security in the best way.To ensure the security of the information of our stakeholders with whom we exchange information, taking into account the requirements of information security.To provide effective controls on information assets, to manage risks and to take measures regarding security gaps, to take necessary roles and responsibilities under this policy.

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Customer Satisfaction (TS ISO 10002)

To ensure that our customers can easily convey their dissatisfaction, to make result-oriented improvements to prevent duplication of the same dissatisfaction,Taking the principle that customer satisfaction starts from our employees and concluding with the highest level of satisfaction in customer relations,To accept the objective and fair solution of all customer dissatisfaction as a basic principle.As Kuzeyboru, we will observe these principles we adopt, and reflect them to our customers and production style with the participation of our employees

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.